how to share the Gospel using John 3:16

Step 1

What to say: “if you died today do you know for sure you would go to heaven?

Step 2

What to say: If I could show you one verse in the bible showing you how you can know for sure that you are going to heaven would you be interested?

Step 3

What to say: Please open your Bible to John 3:16 and lets’s read it.

Step 4

What to say:

“For God so loved the world”.

Q- who is the world?
A- you and me,

Q- does this also include murderers?
A- YES!!!

NOTE: Most people have been taught or lead to believe those that have murdered God does not love and will not allow them into heaven. God loves everyone regardless of who they are or what they have done God is not interested in their past (the things or sins they have committed) but is only interested in their future (living in heaven).

Step 5

What to say: “That he gave His only begotten son”.

Q- Who is the son
A- Jesus Christ.

Q- Do you celebrate Christmas?
A- Yes/No

Q- Why do we celebrate Christmas?
A- Jesus was born

Q- What is so important about the fact that Jesus was born
A- Jesus is God (John 1:1, 1:14, 10:31) and the reason that He was born was so that He could take on a human body so that he could die on the cross for Their sins.

Q- Do you celebrate easter?
A- Yes/No

Q- Why do we celebrate easter?
A- Jesus arose from the dead.

Q- What is so important about the fact that Jesus arose from the dead?

A- The reason that Jesus arose from the dead was to show and prove two things:

First that Jesus was God in the flesh and not just a mere human being

Second that Jesus had completely paid for all their sins past, present and future and that God had accepted Jesus Christ payment on the cross for all their sins, if he hadn’t then Jesus would still be dead in the grave.

Step 6

What to say: “That whosoever believeth in Him”

Q- Do you believe Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins?

NOTE: the person should answer “YES” (if they do not go back to STEP 3)

Now re-ask the Q- If you died today do you know for sure you would go to heaven?

NOTE: If the person answers YES then ask…

Q- Why are you going to heaven?

NOTE: They should say they are going to heaven because they believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for their sins (If they don’t know for sure they would go to heaven go back to STEP 3) until they understand that God loves them, Jesus died on the cross and COMPLETELY PAID for ALL their sins and all they have to do to know for sure they are going to heaven is BELIEVE that Jesus died on the cross to pay for their sins.

Step 7

What to say: Now that you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior God gives you two promises:

Promise 1- you should not perish, that means you will never go to hell

Promise 2- but have everlasting life, you will live in heaven with Jesus Christ your Saviour for all eternity.

Q- What two promises did God promise you in John 3:16 for believing that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins?

A- should Not go to hell (perish), but have everlasting life.

Congratulate the new believer for trusting Christ as their Saviour and reassure them that they are now a child of God and that they will live with Christ in heaven forever and that no matter what sins they may commit from this point onward, God will never take away their eternal life, they are saved for all eternity because God cannot take back what he promised in his word in John 3:16 this is called eternal security. also stress to the new believer that they need to find a good bible teaching church, read their Bible everyday, and tell other people how to go to heaven, using John 3:16.