Question-276- How are we created in God’s image?
Question-277- Does a business have the right to refuse service?
Question-278- Is Acts 28:28 suggesting Predestination?
Question-279- Explain Ecclesiastes 10:1 ?
Question-280- Please give help on 2 Corinthians 5:16?
Question-281- Why did God considered Onan sin evil?
Question-282- Why did Isaac not take back his blessing from Esau?
Question-283- What did Paul mean that we should remain unmarried like him?
Question-284- What is your take on “That they may recieve forgiveness of sins” in Acts 26:18 ?
Question-286- Sir, Please give comment on Romans 8:1?
Question-287- In Romans 8:13 what does the word MORTIFY mean?
Question-288- Sir, how did Jesus become poor. and us rich in 2 Corinthians 8:9?
Question-289- When will the the Resurrection of the Just in Luke 14:14 happen?
Question-290- Sir please explain the different offerings in the book of Leviticus?
Question-291- I find Job 26:7 interesting, any thoughts sir?
Question-292- Is the earth flat?
Question-293- How do you witness to a Jewish person?
Question-294- What is your stand on Halloween sir?
Question-295- Will the Nation of Egypt have a part in the endtimes?
Question-297- Is having a Christmas Tree wrong?
Question-298- Is there a contradiction between Matthew 10:29 & Luke 12:6?
Question-299- What are the Four beast in Revelation Chp. 4?
Question-300- Sir please explain Revelation 4:3?