Question 163

By: Robert Serreyn

Question? Can you give some tips on sharing the Gospel?


My advice or tip is when it comes to the Gospel “Keep it Simple, Keep it Plain, Make it Clear to be Understood”.

DO NOT use confusing terminologies or coin phrases such as “Ask Jesus into your heart”, Invite Jesus into your life” or “Repent of your sins” ect for in doing so you not only CONFUSE the person you are witnessing to but you are also using coined phrases or terminologies that are NOT FOUND in scripture.

I have heard of cases where people have CLAIMED to have “Invited Jesus into their life”, or “Ask Jesus into their heart ” but when asked to give scriptural proof of their faith they COULD NOT, they had none BECAUSE there is NONE.

There is a little four letter motto that I ALWAYS refer to when it comes to the Bible or the Gospel. spelled out K.I.S.S – Keep, It, Simple, Sir.

One of the VERY BEST VERSES I have found EASY to use in sharing the Gospel is John 3:16.

(John 3:16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

A Simple Explaination of John 3:16

1. God loves YOU – (The world).

2. Jesus Christ died for YOU – (He gave his Son).

3. If YOU believe (personally) Christ paid for all
your sins on the cross – (Whosoever Believeth in him).

4. God gives YOU two guarantees- (1) will never
go to hell (shall not perish) (2) but have everlasting life.

God INTENDED the gospel to be EASILY understood and his salvation simple to be recieved, but that ONLY happens if we make an effort and determination to Keep it Simple, Keep it Plain, and Make it Clear to be Understood.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to know IS Jesus Christ as savior, just simply believe that Jesus Christ went to the cross and DIED and shed his blood, was BURIED and three days later RESURRECTED from the dead to pay for your sins.

-Christ DIED for you – Romans 5:8

-Christ PAID your sins in full – 2 Corinthians 5:21,1 Peter 2:24

-BELIEVE (Trust In Completely) in Christ ALONE as the complete payment of sin for salvation – John 3:16, Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8,9

“For the wages(payment) of sin is death (eternal torment in hell); but the GIFT(salvation) of God is eternal life THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord”. Romans 6:23