By: Robert Serreyn
Question? What does “But to be in silence” In 1 Timothy 2:12 mean?
1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
To begin with, the word SUFFER in the Greek is EPITREPO and it means Allow or Permit.
As noted, the first part of verse 12 really reads… But I allow, or permit not a woman to teach.
The word TEACH is used with the understanding Of giving forth the Word of God.
Take note of what 1 Corinthians Chapter 14 in Verses 34, & 35 says…
Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. (35) And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the churchh.
Here again we have the same command re-emphasized, as a matter of fact V35 drills the point home by saying IT IS A SHAME.
Now only if we could get the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and any other church that endorses and ordains women to be Pastors to take heed and obey the Word of God.
There are MANY churches (if you can call them that) that have women as pastors, BUT they are wrong, There are NO WOMEN PASTORS, It is pretty difficult to be… The Husband of one wife when your a woman according to 1 Timothy 3:2.
Also In Verse 1 of Chapter 3 in 1 Timothy the scripture states…
This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
TAKE NOTICE of two Very Important words…
#1 – MAN…
The Greek word for Man is ANER, this greek word is NEVER USED of the female gender and it is used this way as well in 1 Timothy 2:12 (as man) John 4:16, Matthew 1:16, Romans 7:2, Titus 1:6, 1 Timothy 3:12 (as husband), and Acts 8:12 (as men)
#2 – HE…
This word is simply adding emphasizes to the word MAN in Verse one that IF a person of the MALE GENDER wants to pursue to be a Pastor or a Minister HE, Desireth a good work.
In Conclusion:
Women have MANY God honoring roles within the church such as…
Sunday school teacher, Ladies Bible study leader, Choir Director Ect. whicht is in obedience and accordance to the Word Of God.
Titus 2:3-5 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; (4) That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, (5) To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Women are To be in silence as far as assuming the pastorate or deaconship of a church.
1 Timothy 3:12 Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.
Genesis 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. (a first mention principle that flows all the way through scripture right to 1 Timothy 2:12 & 3:1,2, and 12.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to know IS Jesus Christ as YOUR savior, just simply believe that Jesus Christ went to the cross and DIED and shed his blood, was BURIED and three days later RESURRECTED from the dead to pay for your sins.
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved – Acts 16:31
The moment that you do YOU HAVE (at that second and forever) Everlasting Life which WILL NEVER be taken away no matter what.
-Christ DIED for you – Romans 5:8
-Christ PAID your sins in full – 2 Corinthians 5:21,1 Peter 2:24
-BELIEVE (Trust In Completely) in Christ ALONE as the complete payment of sin for salvation – John 3:16, Acts 16:31, Ephesians 2:8,9
“For the wages(payment) of sin is death (eternal torment in hell); but the GIFT(salvation) of God is eternal life THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord”. Romans 6:23