Question Sixty-One- Sir, What is the most important decision i can make in my life?
Question Sixty-Two- Was Simon the sorcerer in Acts Chp. 8 saved?
Question Sixty-Three- Sir what does Romans 10:4 mean?
Question Sixty-Four- Sir could you give just a simple basic explanation of Psalm 22, 23, and 24?
Question Sixty-Five- Who are the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation?
Question Sixty-Six- is Matthew 24:40 – 42 is speaking of the rapture?
Question Sixty-Seven- Is it possible for a person who claims to be a christian to have no evidence of faith?
Question Sixty-Eight- Sir, is that all we have to do to be saved is believe, in James 2:19 the devils also believe and tremble please explain?
Question Sixty-Nine- Please help me reconcile Mark 13:32 were it says Neither the Son, but the Father?
Question Seventy- Does being a good person or doing good things get you to heaven, and does being a bad person or doing bad things send you to hell?
Question Seventy-One- Could you sir give some of the Contradictions that are listed In the book of Mormon?
Question Seventy-Two- Can you sir give a simple basic synopsis of Romans Chapter 9, 10, & 11?
Question Seventy-Three- Does John Chapter 14 have anything to do with the rapture as I had once heard someone say that it did?
Question Seventy-Four- In 1 Timothy 2:14 it says Adam was not deceived, I thought both Adam and Eve sinned?
Question Seventy-Five- What is sinless perfection, and What does John 8:10, & 11 mean?